Running a Noso JSON-RPC node for development Utilizing Noso's REST API
A Noso Remote Procedure Call (RPC) node is a type server that allows users to read data on the Noso blockchain and manipulate it for various purposes.
The Noso RPC node enables the front-end application layer and the backend protocol layer to interact with one another through a request-reply function that transmits information between the client and server.
To set up a Noso RPC node, you must first download and install NosoNode software from the Noso Project Github repository (here). Once NosoNode software is installed, navigate to the “Options > RPC” tab. From the RPC tab, specify your RPC TCP port (Default 8078) and check the box “Enable JSON-RPC server”. You will see the word RPC in yellow at the bottom indicating RPC is enabled. It is highly recommended to whitelist the IP addresses of specific servers allowed to connect especially when hosted publicly.
The following JSON Remote Procedure Calls are accessible
You can access all these calls by using our RPC tester (here)
“getaddressbalance” returns: balance,incoming,outgoing of the specified addresses.
Example JSON-RPC call:
{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "method" : "getaddressbalance", "params" : ["NpryectdevepmentfundsGE"], "id" : 7 }
Example JSON-RPC Result:
{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : [{ "valid" : true, "address" : "NpryectdevepmentfundsGE", "alias" : null, "balance" : 3350262539961, "incoming" : 0, "outgoing" : 0 }], "id" : 7 }
“getorderinfo” returns: timestamp, block, receiver, amount, reference of the specified order.”
Example JSON-RPC call:
{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "method" : "getorderinfo", "params" : ["OR1bcn6hjpghwgluly8h3xy8o0mei2yi4d6hjnx60v629t92z1ts"], "id" : 8 }
Example JSON-RPC Result:
{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : [{ "valid" : true, "order" : { "orderid" : "OR1bcn6hjpghwgluly8h3xy8o0mei2yi4d6hjnx60v629t92z1ts", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "N2Xwndryx9BFtsDQGFYAZPwSuw7H9FM", "amount" : 17977231, "fee" : 1797, "reference" : "PoolPay_GoneFishing", "sender" : "N3ESwXxCAR4jw3GVHgmKiX9zx1ojWEf" } }], "id" : 8 }
“getblockinfo” returns: number, timestart, timeend, timetotal, last20, totaltransactions, difficulty,target, solution, lastblockhash, nextdifficulty, miner, feespayed, reward of the specified block.
Example JSON-RPC call:
{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "method" : "getblocksinfo", "params" : ["94490"], "id" : 9 }
Example JSON-RPC Result:
{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : [{ "valid" : true, "number" : 94490, "timestart" : 1674790801, "timeend" : 1674791400, "timetotal" : 599, "last20" : 0, "totaltransactions" : 29, "difficulty" : 0, "target" : "154F217AD7EF6D07E689C608802DB1F1", "solution" : "!!5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10146144900000010166482959134325258D04D0B245009535120500795820",
"lastblockhash" : "154F217AD7EF6D07E689C608802DB1F1", "nextdifficult" : 193, "miner" : "N2MVecGnXGHpN8z4RqwJFXSQP6doVDv", "feespaid" : 194370, "reward" : 5000000000, "hash" : "5E71D00A2945E0884893ACD9A0C6AD72" }], "id" : 9 }
“getmininginfo” returns: block, target, difficulty of the block being mined.
Example JSON-RPC call:
{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "method" : "getmininginfo", "params" : [], "id" : 13 }
Example JSON-RPC Result:
{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : [{ "block" : 94491, "target" : "5E71D00A2945E0884893ACD9A0C6AD72", "miner" : "N3ESwXxCAR4jw3GVHgmKiX9zx1ojWEf", "diff" : "000000111017181646078C5529B97B22", "hash" : "!#)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!102806738" }], "id" : 13 }
“getpendingorders” returns: a list of pending orders.
Example JSON-RPC call:
{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "method" : "getpendingorders", "params" : [], "id" : 14 }
Example JSON-RPC Result:
{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : [{ "pendings" : ["TRFR,N2MVecGnXGHpN8z4RqwJFXSQP6doVDv,N4KmPqzkYdeZYneAxtjLQCoZyUhDpHT,111807580,11181", "TRFR,N3pzgU2jpvhjW6cSJL8zW8Rzj5fJdFa,Nfk2RJQG7xTUdR8TckhgtrqRLPyGEx,31472638,3147", "TRFR,N3ESwXxCAR4jw3GVHgmKiX9zx1ojWEf,N2BhUYhiepHVke8V7NVrUdit42xnAEt,76848009,7685", "TRFR,N3aXz2RGwj8LAZgtgyyXNRkfQ1EMnFC,N2kWBgQHrtiQPASTK67WmvtoL8e5GDn,55644228,5564", "TRFR,N2MVecGnXGHpN8z4RqwJFXSQP6doVDv,N2kWBgQHrtiQPASTK67WmvtoL8e5GDn,112276488,11228", "TRFR,N2MVecGnXGHpN8z4RqwJFXSQP6doVDv,N48ZtdfyydBDRVopeSxveQ2qCpWa9GL,9800480,980", "TRFR,N3ESwXxCAR4jw3GVHgmKiX9zx1ojWEf,NEsMdywQNHXWpMnoxNhtsGREyW9GGE,77904269,7791", "TRFR,N3pzgU2jpvhjW6cSJL8zW8Rzj5fJdFa,N7U1brSR8RBqrZZGMRhZQ8KP8MPNC1,103411950,10342", "TRFR,N3aXz2RGwj8LAZgtgyyXNRkfQ1EMnFC,Ntgp6CmSLVUzLrxVD2z21Ve7r2M5DR,46803208,4680", "TRFR,N2ophUoAzJw9LtgXbYMiB4u5jWWGJF7,N3TSJcSz9wetKamQUcjHUGsCtnkuCGB,99340774,9935", "TRFR,N2MVecGnXGHpN8z4RqwJFXSQP6doVDv,N3ZMRpo2c6xaJyTUNTeqbFbVZtui3Fb,103614686,10362", "TRFR,N3ESwXxCAR4jw3GVHgmKiX9zx1ojWEf,N2kWBgQHrtiQPASTK67WmvtoL8e5GDn,77904269,7791"] }], "id" : 14 }
“getmainnetinfo” returns: lastblock, lastblockhash, headershash, summaryhash, pending, supply.
Example JSON-RPC call:
{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "method" : "getmainnetinfo", "params" : [], "id" : 15 }
Example JSON-RPC Result:
{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : [{ "lastblock" : 94490, "lastblockhash" : "5E71D00A2945E0884893ACD9A0C6AD72", "headershash" : "E41D37527B0A9F0A01C63F32C52562E9", "sumaryhash" : "C21483546A23510F65E36FE0781B6FF7", "pending" : 12, "supply" : 473480390730000 }], "id" : 15 }
“getblockorders” returns: a list of the orders on the specified block.
Example JSON-RPC call:
{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "method" : "getblockorders", "params" : ["94490"], "id" : 17 }
Example JSON-RPC Result:
{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : [{ "valid" : true, "block" : 94490, "orders" : [{ "orderid" : "OR1bcn6hjpghwgluly8h3xy8o0mei2yi4d6hjnx60v629t92z1ts", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "N2Xwndryx9BFtsDQGFYAZPwSuw7H9FM", "amount" : 17977231, "fee" : 1797, "reference" : "PoolPay_GoneFishing", "sender" : "N3ESwXxCAR4jw3GVHgmKiX9zx1ojWEf" }, { "orderid" : "OR1p6kv7dt4zm9xocelb2qca9xejg95lmqtepy5o7qgbdwf4axdi", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "Nfk2RJQG7xTUdR8TckhgtrqRLPyGEx", "amount" : 20114122, "fee" : 2011, "reference" : "PoolPay_GoneFishing", "sender" : "N3ESwXxCAR4jw3GVHgmKiX9zx1ojWEf" }, { "orderid" : "OR1tvvdl3j4w58j4qqn6ka2aokjef4l55nowabn2ul4xxujck3fy", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "NaUPW4uVTisJ4GKmaMxLNzceTPsoFJ", "amount" : 55644228, "fee" : 5564, "reference" : "PoolPay_nosomn", "sender" : "N3aXz2RGwj8LAZgtgyyXNRkfQ1EMnFC" }, { "orderid" : "OR1yewy1jt96vrcl3higy5dvaei1song2q91zmjy9ioey5glwkus", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "NaUPW4uVTisJ4GKmaMxLNzceTPsoFJ", "amount" : 77904269, "fee" : 7791, "reference" : "PoolPay_GoneFishing", "sender" : "N3ESwXxCAR4jw3GVHgmKiX9zx1ojWEf" }, { "orderid" : "OR2axuleqjs083tyftigd7qcpjt5ayg1dw04f1mtb315msv2n8e0", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "N3pgA3mrmVHCLQ61qp74hu4Tsk99ZD9", "amount" : 105284041, "fee" : 10529, "reference" : "PoolPay_estripa", "sender" : "N2ophUoAzJw9LtgXbYMiB4u5jWWGJF7" }, { "orderid" : "OR2ekvs8qcdqixe4wjvfbwptr2l6mq05qifpog7hngqpo4sgffyc", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "Nh6wXPMv485qNYuUzWBBC9KnxcKjE2", "amount" : 104287275, "fee" : 10429, "reference" : "PoolPay_estripa", "sender" : "N2ophUoAzJw9LtgXbYMiB4u5jWWGJF7" }, { "orderid" : "OR32wru0mhrg9owg7l4tcc9av6l0yjbbvuylgyqxcpl0tt8uhftq", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "N3ZMRpo2c6xaJyTUNTeqbFbVZtui3Fb", "amount" : 78847259, "fee" : 7885, "reference" : "PoolPay_GoneFishing", "sender" : "N3ESwXxCAR4jw3GVHgmKiX9zx1ojWEf" }, { "orderid" : "OR35yyj0ce7voew0x8rug0h9jw3rsktrt2p1kdmg4cj1zjnsrgth", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "NaUPW4uVTisJ4GKmaMxLNzceTPsoFJ", "amount" : 103411950, "fee" : 10342, "reference" : "PoolPay_ProPool", "sender" : "N3pzgU2jpvhjW6cSJL8zW8Rzj5fJdFa" }, { "orderid" : "OR3anz3h293w60j8xarusptj4001rf6llta9mu2hw80xcqdqclyl", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "N7U1brSR8RBqrZZGMRhZQ8KP8MPNC1", "amount" : 106220325, "fee" : 10623, "reference" : "PoolPay_estripa", "sender" : "N2ophUoAzJw9LtgXbYMiB4u5jWWGJF7" }, { "orderid" : "OR3by8qi3029hr8o4z719yg7ssynk41rmckg6ljh3qo1469olhv7", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "N3ntPfYFhVAkQ281A9QQQFp8MfgFFBv", "amount" : 16138107, "fee" : 1613, "reference" : "PoolPay_nosomn", "sender" : "N3aXz2RGwj8LAZgtgyyXNRkfQ1EMnFC" }, { "orderid" : "OR3ec1wf3j2iu5aq59cw3lmjamimyqx3ok4ddall6eo3ixxv19lc", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "Nfk2RJQG7xTUdR8TckhgtrqRLPyGEx", "amount" : 19335694, "fee" : 1933, "reference" : "PoolPay_nosomn", "sender" : "N3aXz2RGwj8LAZgtgyyXNRkfQ1EMnFC" }, { "orderid" : "OR497zp6zzqlkuh4invtfcex36auh5jo94sfnsh4yl6kpc6e8wo1", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "N2BhUYhiepHVke8V7NVrUdit42xnAEt", "amount" : 100985255, "fee" : 10099, "reference" : "PoolPay_ProPool", "sender" : "N3pzgU2jpvhjW6cSJL8zW8Rzj5fJdFa" }, { "orderid" : "OR49y0s7chci0gsekou7up681j7x1iwi5y5nc6c3pvljhpi6d0mx", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "N3ZMRpo2c6xaJyTUNTeqbFbVZtui3Fb", "amount" : 52771203, "fee" : 5277, "reference" : "PoolPay_nosomn", "sender" : "N3aXz2RGwj8LAZgtgyyXNRkfQ1EMnFC" }, { "orderid" : "OR50ysk82ve7oreyepl2inib1qpji96y70yxwmo1bjw7l3btf4ny", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "NaUPW4uVTisJ4GKmaMxLNzceTPsoFJ", "amount" : 112319991, "fee" : 11233, "reference" : "PoolPay_Auspool", "sender" : "N2MVecGnXGHpN8z4RqwJFXSQP6doVDv" }, { "orderid" : "OR51exobqkcqio2vpkudl40zw3qo3vsrxc4ciu9jio488lmb46w3", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "N3hUczJ9fy9YVjrZJEDszSzzJEGZcG1", "amount" : 48750633, "fee" : 4875, "reference" : "PoolPay_GoneFishing", "sender" : "N3ESwXxCAR4jw3GVHgmKiX9zx1ojWEf" }, { "orderid" : "OR52b8v3pupesj2yroa21y55a0kvuegtdehzmol4gsvmhfbm7yxo", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "N3ntPfYFhVAkQ281A9QQQFp8MfgFFBv", "amount" : 25292295, "fee" : 2529, "reference" : "PoolPay_GoneFishing", "sender" : "N3ESwXxCAR4jw3GVHgmKiX9zx1ojWEf" }, { "orderid" : "OR5g6b6ihvfeyb2w9914yjgt1abyo35b3pwhh2ok4aravvlpeckm", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "N3ZMRpo2c6xaJyTUNTeqbFbVZtui3Fb", "amount" : 102614788, "fee" : 10262, "reference" : "PoolPay_estripa", "sender" : "N2ophUoAzJw9LtgXbYMiB4u5jWWGJF7" }, { "orderid" : "OR5mnzev8nu4dbm5gg8ipq7ievpscmh3p34k8ruacrjbn9wly9ik", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "N46saT4tFSsqK4y3eP25zbWZdPUVLDg", "amount" : 59681921, "fee" : 5968, "reference" : "PoolPay_estripa", "sender" : "N2ophUoAzJw9LtgXbYMiB4u5jWWGJF7" }, { "orderid" : "OR5u8yyroegg34si5qgvu4ocn9rq0740xdvjyf8k705qxikwzwz6", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "N3DtrjYPFq2m8KyzuRhcnghxA5a26FR", "amount" : 5565448, "fee" : 556, "reference" : "PoolPay_GoneFishing", "sender" : "N3ESwXxCAR4jw3GVHgmKiX9zx1ojWEf" }, { "orderid" : "OR5xfgafgowgfv3945ooi7ly55adsisvmuqtyw6dx0gb4kqb8dtr", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "N3ntPfYFhVAkQ281A9QQQFp8MfgFFBv", "amount" : 34094467, "fee" : 3409, "reference" : "PoolPay_estripa", "sender" : "N2ophUoAzJw9LtgXbYMiB4u5jWWGJF7" }, { "orderid" : "OR6263dfd65tp0hw35fs25hf273yl7y7vhnawa6gni1pe3p1r8s5", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "N3VXG1swUP3n46wUSY5yQmqQiHoaDED", "amount" : 279553169, "fee" : 27958, "reference" : "PoolPay_GoneFishing", "sender" : "N3ESwXxCAR4jw3GVHgmKiX9zx1ojWEf" }, { "orderid" : "ORctsphhoz57j19ltq360nj1y0yeakxdzfre067ny6kgsl3pf2e", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "N3ZMRpo2c6xaJyTUNTeqbFbVZtui3Fb", "amount" : 85980786, "fee" : 8598, "reference" : "PoolPay_ProPool", "sender" : "N3pzgU2jpvhjW6cSJL8zW8Rzj5fJdFa" }, { "orderid" : "ORdzc08qifjjxidryxw4s2w27uhasm7h2s0k6dnybknr4zo4cvb", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "N3ntPfYFhVAkQ281A9QQQFp8MfgFFBv", "amount" : 25445716, "fee" : 2544, "reference" : "PoolPay_Auspool", "sender" : "N2MVecGnXGHpN8z4RqwJFXSQP6doVDv" }, { "orderid" : "ORfrrsyo19xq902gn8z79caawrn0e44rwknby2rdwd6vbl4e1cb", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "Nfk2RJQG7xTUdR8TckhgtrqRLPyGEx", "amount" : 48702853, "fee" : 4870, "reference" : "PoolPay_estripa", "sender" : "N2ophUoAzJw9LtgXbYMiB4u5jWWGJF7" }, { "orderid" : "ORgbsx3moa075z416vhsajvdmu8stt07xxmo65sir7ho8wuuzbb", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "N428cGZMiXGA2ggyycxq4gdzGjjyfFv", "amount" : 18412477, "fee" : 1841, "reference" : "PoolPay_ProPool", "sender" : "N3pzgU2jpvhjW6cSJL8zW8Rzj5fJdFa" }, { "orderid" : "ORjkvficroxm80wspau6wijpfjhn4i9u266g4kv2xz6ld52peal", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "NaUPW4uVTisJ4GKmaMxLNzceTPsoFJ", "amount" : 106220325, "fee" : 10623, "reference" : "PoolPay_estripa", "sender" : "N2ophUoAzJw9LtgXbYMiB4u5jWWGJF7" }, { "orderid" : "ORmr4k0kqwcx94kb015ri81zrzdoiku3nf9mnk24g3p961amk7g", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "N38gR376fhyauhqxvmCNiJWjXxDe8Fb", "amount" : 77018734, "fee" : 7702, "reference" : "PoolPay_estripa", "sender" : "N2ophUoAzJw9LtgXbYMiB4u5jWWGJF7" }, { "orderid" : "ORsfki5bp7vxurevi1me2hhec8o56vwcwql1vc73bt32x6t8erh", "timestamp" : 1674790860, "block" : 94490, "type" : "TRFR", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "N4KmPqzkYdeZYneAxtjLQCoZyUhDpHT", "amount" : 55091037, "fee" : 5509, "reference" : "PoolPay_nosomn", "sender" : "N3aXz2RGwj8LAZgtgyyXNRkfQ1EMnFC" }, { "orderid" : "1tRCdcCp42rcLurB6us287Yi6hMpr7TKGC7AqCDsz23cE3MKB", "timestamp" : 1674791399, "block" : 94490, "type" : "PROJCT", "trfrs" : 1, "receiver" : "NpryectdevepmentfundsGE", "amount" : 500019437, "fee" : 0, "reference" : "null", "sender" : "COINBASE" }] }], "id" : 17 }
"getblockmns" returns: block,count,reward,total, addresses
Example JSON-RPC call:
{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "method" : "getblockmns", "params" : ["48010"], "id" : 20 } <-- { "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : [{ "valid" : true, "block" : 48010, "count" : 21, "reward" : 47619047, "total" : 999999987, "addresses" : "N2k63QvS88uNDwS3aJjX69vATnLdvDD,N4HrfiM6YVw2g4oAmWGKCvU5PXpZ2DM,N4VJxLRtbvngmThBJohq7aHd5BwKbFf,N3iEmfEoYhW99Gn6U6EaLfJ3bqmWCD3,N4W6LV7AHYExGuuYe6ZG51D9ihfhjCh,N4CBAz2bRnMKm8wowV5MSuenBrijuFX,N2imcmrvCj8NmbjuEYwNTQfZPZYuQGq,N2P7FgEX1Cp6qpNdZ7tPisTzg6Bu4Df,NbUNqPYsF3UAZPvyZwFuJWwgsCvQG7,N46PiNk7chSURJJZoMSRdwsDh8FAbDa,N47EGobTBnkWFnZNVy9TBPa2kE2LGCL,NUhcAdqnVDHtd8NmMMo6sLK3bmYFE5,N2jwBZqUFRygU9HvsSKUisrguwZguHt,N2gGQrwHGSebdJYALEPM4pNAwUtnFDs,N4KbkPZszGuP4q7363CwL4qXsaQP3DE,NWtKL76qKjCAGBg6f2sz4ggoaKAcCx,N4DixvMj1ZEBhm1xbxmCNursoZxPeH1,N2sNaHdrZ62eJjrwoS1BqGSCznJJyF4,NoqZAxxDsYtkdh8NyRdGuwwudsgvKE,N2baXwhjVtxgEq2yFhsowAMETFKVkGX,NRTXWrzY63V7qiBwGBDA9T1pXoJFCd" }], "id" : 20 }
“getnewaddress” returns: the number of new addresses you've specified. (Adds the number of new addresses to RPC wallet)
Example JSON-RPC call:
{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "method" : "getnewaddress", "params" : ["2"], "id" : 4 }
Example JSON-RPC Result:
{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : [{ "addresses" : ["N3DXseUPd8QcYf4pYoDzczPzvgJPbGD", "N48Jd43Th4DyDdnSezQhviPGDABRbD5"] }], "id" : 19 }
“sendfunds” returns: the OrderID if the transaction was successful.Returns "Failed" if it was not successful
Example JSON-RPC call:
{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "method" : "sendfunds", "params" : ["N48Jd43Th4DyDdnSezQhviPGDABRbD5", "11000", "Example", "Reference"], "id" : 21 }
Example JSON-RPC Result:
{ "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : [{ "result" : "Failed" }], "id" : 21 }
Last updated